
From Teacher to Principal

A 4-month self-paced course designed to help new and aspiring principals learn the core lessons needed to create a positive impact in schools while leading with greater consciousness and compassion.



Training that pulls back the curtain and offers new and aspiring principals a glimpse into the principalship

March 3 - Building trust with your team as a new principal + Q&A
March 10 - How to work with an under-performing teacher + Q&A
March 17- Interview Prep + Q&A
March 24 - Dealing with toxic staff members + Q&A
April 7 - How to deal with a tantruming staff member + Q&A
April 21 - Setting up the proper systems to thrive + Q & A
April 28 - Supporting your staff (and yourself) as we pivot toward virtual learning + Q&A
May 5: Building a solid and performing team + Q & A
May 19: Personal Leadership Continuum
May 19: AUDIO
June 2: Navigating courageous conversations with parents
June 2: AUDIO
June 9: Creating a psychologically safe environment in your school
June 9: AUDIO
June 16: The art of setting boundaries (Self-Care)
June 16: AUDIO
June 23: T.H.R.I.V.E. (The optimal leader's framework)
June 23: AUDIO
Monitoring Grid
Interview Guide (qualities of the ideal team player) Patrick Lencioni
Interview prep checklist
Feminine and masculine energies
March 31, 2021: Leading school improvement
May 12, 2021: New position, different grade level, how to gain trust!
Live Q&A - Interview prep + common pain-points and fears of FYP
Morning Power Hour
Decorating your school's staff room
B.E.S.T. Student Store
Student Appreciation Day
Tapping into your WHY
Peer learning (Pineapple chart)
Treat carts for students (and staff)
Administrator Quick Reference Hub (Instagram account: principalprinciples)
New Ways to Lead (No matter who you are)